News & Events,  Our Birds


Lorna, who cares for the residents and whom Chatterbox leads a merry dance when we visit 😄
Attacked by a cat with bites along body and under wing. Released after 2 weeks treatment
Young Budgie that was sold in ill health. Still undergoing treatment
Budgie sold with ill health. Still undergoing treatment

Head injury. After treatment successfully released
Little blue tit that was stunned. Successfully released
Cat attack. Treated and successfully released
Mrs Doyle at the show with Chatterbox
Injured leg. After treatment was able to be released
Rook hit by a car. After treatment and rehabilitation was successfully released
Attacked by a Cat. Bite wounds and injured wing. After treatment and rehabilitation was able to be released
Attacked by a Cat. Deep wounds but was treated and eventually able to be released.

We would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and healthy New Year and a very special thanks to everyone that gave their support in many ways and the Department of Agriculture that awarded us a grant of €3,000 this year. It was a very busy year.  Over 150 garden birds were rehabilitated and released back to the wild and 7 Budgies were admitted either from people that, due to illness or change in circumstances could no longer care for them or from one’s that had been sold in pet stores in ill health.

Walter and Chatterbox. Our little therapy Budgies

A lot of time has been spent during the year giving advice to people all over Ireland and indeed other countries where they have found it difficult to get help.

I have been visiting a home for the intellectually disabled with 2 little therapy Budgies, Chatterbox and Walter, with great success. The residents look forward very much to our visits and recently two of the male residents that would not usually interact are now keen to join in activities and love the birds to sit on their fingers. It takes a lot of time and patience to teach the birds to be calm and not be frightened of sudden movement or different noises but the look on the residents faces makes every moment of it worthwhile.

We held our annual fundraising show at the end of October but unfortunately our choice of weekend was not a good one. It was a bank holiday, Halloween, clocks changed and a beautiful day weatherwise, so we did not get the turn out that we usually do. However the people that were kind enough to come and support us had a lot of fun with us and we still raised €580 which was a tremendous help. Our fabulous Pauleen Mclynn, Alias Mrs Doyle, who is a trustee of our charity, presented the show and as always all our friends and family helped to make it a success. So a huge thank you to everyone that made it possible and to everyone that came to support us ☺️ 💝

Amanda, who cares for the residents at the home we visit