How to help

  1. Helping Little Wings Bird Sanctuary

I run the Sanctuary with help from the Trustees and volunteers. We rely on fundraising and anyone that would like to donate or provide grain, seed, wild bird seed, fat balls etc. would be greatly appreciated.   Caring for these birds is very time consuming. Sick birds need heat, frequent feeding and medications, all of which are very expensive plus the maintenance of the buildings, aviaries, fences and land.

We give a forever home to budgerigars that can no longer be cared for. We have a purpose built building for them to enjoy as near to their natural environment that we can create.

If you think you can help, please contact me here:

Little Wings Bird Sanctuary

Delchristy Cottage,  Banada, Co. Sligo

086 0273337

[email protected]

Registered charity no :- 2015 760

Licensed with National Parks and Wildlife Service


Helping Birds in need – What do I do when I find a baby bird?

When spring time arrives many people face a dilemma.  What to do when I find a baby bird ?

1) If the baby bird is not on the ground, leave it alone. It is probably learning to fly and the parents will continue to feed it.

2) If it is on the ground, unless it is in immediate danger from predators, eg:- Cats, or traffic, it is better to keep a close eye on it for a couple of hours to see if the parent attends to it, bearing in mind that the parent bird will take just seconds to feed it before flying off in the search for more food.

3) If the baby is in danger place it in a warm, dry box which has plenty of ventilation. Poke holes in the box before putting the bird in. If the box is lined with newspaper and a towel placed over the paper, it will make it easier for the bird to grip. The box could be placed on a hot water bottle to help keep the baby warm.

4) It is important to handle the bird as little as possible. It is difficult to see if a bird is stressed and it may seem quiet and calm but it will be extremely stressed and when in that stressed state it’s body will be releasing the hormones Catecholamines and Cortisol which will slowly damage the birds health.

5) Do not try to give the bird food or water at this stage and do not put any container of water in the box. The bird can easily fall in it and either drown or become quickly chilled and die of hypothermia.

6) When transporting the bird it needs to be kept as quiet as possible to keep stress levels to a minimum. It does not need you talking to it or playing music.

7) It helps a great deal if you call in advance before bringing a bird so that necessary accommodation can be prepared.


Please Remember

The rehabilitation of injured, or distressed, wildlife requires a licence and a huge amount of time and resources.
It is in the bird’s  best interest to transfer it to an appropriately trained and equipped individual/organisation as soon as possible. Always contact the organization first to make sure they are able to take the bird.

Before attempting to capture a wildlife casualty:

  • Observe, assess, discuss, then decide whether intervention is appropriate
  • All wild birds can potentially transmit disease and inflict serious injuries
  • Remember, your own safety is of paramount importance


Further help

The Irish Wildlife Matters website has detailed information on wildlife first aid and a contacts page which lists rehabilitators , vets and conservation wardens.