For my great friends that care and support
Special thanks to Sue from Sathya Sai Donkey sanctuary for her never failing support and encouragement from day one of Little Wings.
My thanks and admiration for Kate who lives in the UK but who oversees and helps me with the web site, and who has been so patient with my lack of knowledge in all things technical.
For their help, support, and now Stuart’s wonderful offer to build the aviary/hospital facility, I can only say my sincere thanks to Stuart and Jo, who have Lough Bo boarding kennels in Geevagh, Sligo.
For Mary, despite being in the middle of Chemotherapy, helps the sanctuary. An amazing lady. And Michael. You make a difference.
To John who gives up his time voluntarily to help with whatever needs doing. A great help and much appreciated.
kennedy Picture framing Tubbercurry. For their excellent service, and I am so lucky to have Lucy with her wonderful talent of matching borders and frames to enhance my feather pictures, and who always gives her help and encouragement.
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